How to configure PraxiLabs LTI tool with Moodle LMS
Before we start, you need to have the following at hand:
- Moodle administrator credentials to be able to complete the configuration steps
- “Tool URL”, “Tool Provider Key”, and “Tool Provider Secret” received from PraxiLabs team created specifically for your institution.
Now, have your coffee ready and let’s dig into the steps together to get you going in a few minutes.
- Log into Moodle with your Administrator credentials
- Click on Site Administration
- Under Site Administration, click on “Plugins”.
- Then click on “Manage tools” under “Activity modules”.
- Now, click on “configure a tool manually”. ”
- In the section titled “Tool Settings” enter the following data:
- “Tool name”: Praxilabs VLab (This can be any name you would like)
- “Tool URL”:
- “LTI version”: LTI 1.0/1.1
- Then fill in the details of the “Consumer Key” and “Shared Secret” as you received them from PraxiLabs team for your institution.
- In the same section, for the “Default launch container”, we recommend you to choose “New window” to have students open the simulation in a new window for better usability.
- Then click on “show more” to be able to add the Logo of PraxiLabs which will appear later on in the courses (Size required: 50 by 50 pixels).
- You are almost there… To finish please press “Save changes”.
- Congratulations! You are now done and your instructors will be able to find PraxiLabs in their courses content to add the specific simulations they want. This is explained “here”.