Top 10 Microbiology Techniques You Can't Miss

Top 10 Microbiology Techniques You Can’t Miss

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Sara Assem To understand and study the world of microorganisms, we need special techniques or methods that are called “Microbiology techniques”.  Microbiology techniques are the methods used for studying microbes (ex: bacteria, fungi and protest). The purpose of these techniques include microbial identification, staining, engineering, survey, culturing and manipulation. What are Microbiological Techniques? …

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Learn All About The Strong Acids and Bases

Learn All About The Strong Acids and Bases

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Sara Assem Acids and Bases play a vital role in our life and all of the environment around us. When you brush your teeth with toothpaste or wash your hands with soap or take your coffee, you’ve already experienced acids and bases. In chemistry, substances are classified as acids or bases or neutral, …

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The PCR Test and Taq Polymerase

Taq Polymerase: The Key to PCR Testing

Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by Sherouk Badr Shehata The PCR test is a method of amplifying specific DNA sequences using taq polymerase. This technique was first developed in the 1980s and has since revolutionized biology testing. Prior to PCR, only small amounts of DNA could be isolated and analyzed from samples. However, PCR allows for the amplification of …

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