From Lab to Life: The Power of Biology Simulations Unleashed

Last Updated on March 4, 2025 by Zinab Hasssan

Virtual lab simulation biology is a virtual environment designed for various biology experiments. Through it  the real science lab is simulated to link the practical side with the theoretical side.

In this blog post we will dive into biology simulations, how we can use virtual labs for teaching biology, and more. 

Virtual lab simulation biology

What are virtual lab simulations?

Virtual lab simulations are 3D immersive simulations that provide students with access to realistic science experiments (in physics, chemistry, and biology) online, from their personal devices anytime and at their own pace anywhere without any pressure.

Virtual lab simulations aim to enrich the students’ understanding with a variety of informational and educational content to enhance their understanding and learning outcomes.

Virtual labs address the limitations of traditional science labs such as safety hazards, high costs, ethical challenges e.g.animal testing, limited access for students, lack of engagement and student interest, and high student dropout rates.

How can we use virtual labs for teaching biology?

How can we use virtual labs for teaching biology?

We can use virtual labs for teaching biology by providing the 3D virtual biology simulations for students that improve their understanding of the scientific concepts and protocols well, especially at the microscopic level as they allow students to understand clearly by imagining and visualizing what happens inside these small creatures and other things at the microscopic level. They also help enhance the students’ visual impact and observational skills.

 Virtual Labs also include tools for data analysis that can help both the students and teachers by  allowing  them to collect, analyze, and interpret data generated from the 3D virtual experiments that works to increase their learning outcomes and retention.

What is an example of a simulation in biology?

DNA Sequencing - biology simulations

DNA Extraction is one of the most famous and important biology simulations.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a complex molecule that contains the genetic material of a cell. It defines the structure and functions of a living organism. DNA is also responsible for heredity.

The DNA extraction is done in stages:

  • Cell dissolution: In this stage, the cell and the nucleus are broken down to extract a DNA sample using a lysis buffer.
  • Precipitation: In this stage, proteins and impurities are removed from the sample.
  • Purification: This stage involves isolating the DNA completely from the other substances, for a final eluted pure DNA sample preserved in a buffer.

By the end of the DNA extraction simulation, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency with the protocol involved in DNA extraction.
  • Identify the role of specific reagents and equipment in the extraction of DNA.
  • Practice basic laboratory techniques.
  • Conclude the downstream applications of DNA extraction.

Are you tired of seeing your students struggle to grasp complex scientific concepts? Request a Live Demo Now and Increase your Students’ Learning Retention and Engagement With PraxiLabs’ virtual labs!

What is virtual biology?

Virtual lab simulation in biology is a virtual environment designed for various biology experiments, through them the real science lab is simulated to link the practical side with the theoretical side.

 The virtual biology simulations aim to provide an immersive and interactive learning experience that closely mirrors the hands-on nature of traditional labs, while offering the advantages of accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and safety.

Are virtual biology labs effective?

Yes, studies have shown that biology simulations can be as effective as physical laboratory activities in teaching certain subjects. Furthermore, integrating laboratory biology simulations into teaching strategies has been observed to yield high student engagement and positive feedback.

Virtual Labs Improve students’ outcomes:

  •       60% of students’ performance
  •       80% of students’ retention

PraxiLabs Virtual Biology Adventures: Discover, Learn, and Experiment

PraxiLabs Virtual Biology Adventures: Discover, Learn, and Experiment

PraxiLabs is a 3D interactive virtual lab solution that provides students with access to realistic biology, chemistry, and physics labs and enriches their understanding with a variety of informational and educational content to enhance their understanding and learning, with the aim of providing equal opportunity for an enhanced STEM education for students everywhere.

We provide a diverse catalog of choices, students can now practice the same virtual biology practical simulation for an unlimited number of times, with 0% risk and  100% supervision, in biology and its sub-disciplines:

Dive into our ever-expanding catalog of cutting-edge biology simulations

With PraxiLabs students can actively learn besides performing their experiments.

At PraxiLabs, we offer more than just a microscope for each student to understand biology on a molecular level, but rather enriches your students’ knowledge and understanding with immersive virtual experiments on topics ranging from DNA extraction and genetic cloning to tissue culture and protein electrophoresis.

Each student absorbs knowledge and information differently. While class lectures, textbooks, and lab experiments are each separately effective for each learning style, PraxiLabs combines its virtual lab with additional multimedia and text to provide each learner with material that fits his/her learning style

PraxiLabs online biology simulations offer additional content for further understanding of biological concepts before starting the practical simulation such as:

Lab manual


Walkthrough video

Animated guide


And more

 Multimedia content provides more detailed instructions and more learning and teaching opportunities, while textual content provides additional explanations and details on the concepts.

IF you know it, skip it

In our simulations, we provide your students with a “skipping ahead” feature, which enables them to select and focus on the stage they want to understand more -Skipping, and this provides students with a more user-centered, focused, and personalized learning experience

 With LMS integration, if a student skips one of the experiment stages, this will appear in the Students’ Performance and Progress Reports seen by the instructor.

Lab Experience Anywhere: Virtual Biology Labs for All

Virtual labs enable students to perform online biology simulations, from their personal devices anytime and anywhere with guidance and learning materials to further aid the learning process rather than simply following through and covering it. With PraxiLabs students can actively learn while performing their experiments.

PraxiLabs works with virtually any device connected to the Internet. Whether you are using a desktop PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet, PraxiLabs is compatible with all common devices and operating systems, with minimum memory requirements and browser capabilities.

Study| Interaction between cognitive styles and genders when using virtual laboratories and its influence on students of health college’s laboratory skills and cognitive load during the Corona pandemic

A study using PraxiLabs examined the interaction between cognitive style–gender within Virtual Laboratories (VL) and its influence on students of health colleges’ Laboratory Skills (LS) and Cognitive Load (CL) during the Corona pandemic. This research method is a combination of quasi-experimental research and survey research; consisting of two male and two female experimental groups (contemplative and impulsive).

 Each group had 20 students from General Health colleges. In the third level, with the microbiological course, eight experiments were studied by a Virtual laboratory (Praxilabs) during the eLearning study in 2020’s first semester.

Results showed that VL-using Students of General Health colleges studying microbiology had better CL and LS, besides significantly distinguishing between males and females using VLs in CL and LS where males benefited more.

Also, a significant difference was established between CS (contemplative/impulsive) VL-using students in CL and LS to the benefit of the contemplative cognitive style. There LS significantly differed  due to gender–CS interaction; however, CL does not have any differences because of this interaction.

 On PraxiLabs, you can find different virtual biology simulations accessible anytime and anywhere. Subscribe and Get Started Now!

About Nourhan Essam

Nourhan Essam is a Senior Content Writer at PraxiLabs, with a deep passion for crafting impactful scientific content. With over 6 years of experience, she has developed robust expertise in e-learning, education, science, and digital marketing. Nourhan leverages her comprehensive understanding to produce high-quality, compelling, and informative pieces in both Arabic and English. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of scientific content, she ensures that each piece is engaging, educational, and aligned with the needs of her audience.