Theory: Measurement of Ohmic Resistances Using Ammeter and Voltmeter
According to Ohm’s law, potential difference between two points of a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through this resistor at constant temperature. The proportionality constant is called resistance.
V = I R

When a number of resistances are connected on series, the total resistance will be:

But, If they are connected on parallel, their total resistance will be:

Measurement of Ohmic Resistances Using Ammeter and Voltmeter Principle of Work
In measurement of ohmic resistances using ammeter and voltmeter experiment, If we measure the potential differenceacross the resistor and current passing through it and plot a graph between them, a straight line passes through the origin is obtained whose slope is related to the resistance of the resistor. The same procedure is repeated to verify the series and parallel connection formulae for resistors.