Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Virtual Lab Simulation

Biology | Biochemistry | Genetics | Microbiology

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Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Virtual Lab

General Aim of Washed Red Blood Cells Preparation

haemagglutination tests are from tests that require washing of the red blood cells.

Method | Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Experiment

In Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells experiment, a fresh fowl is bled directly from the heart under aseptic conditions. Collect 2 ml of blood with a syringe in a centrifugation tube with anticoagulant (citrated tube). The citrated blood is centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2500 rpm. The supernatant fluid is discarded. The compact RBCs are shaken with sterile normal saline solution. Then, centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2500 rpm. The supernatant fluid is discarded again. The RBCs are washed once more with normal saline solution. Then, centrifuged at the same rate (2500 rpm) for 15 minutes. After final centrifugation, remove the supernatant without disturbing the pellet. Lastly, 0.1 ml of RBCs are suspended in 9.9 ml normal saline solution to obtain 1% RBCs suspension by volume. Finally, store in a refrigerator at 4 °C till use.

Learning Objectives of Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Experiment

  • Become proficient at performing preparation of Blood washing procedure consistently and accurately.

  • Student will learn the essential concepts of haematological tests.

Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Theory

The most common reason for using washed red blood cells in transfusion medicine is to prevent the recurrence of severe allergic transfusion reactions that do not respond to medical treatment. The usual cause of these allergic reactions is proteins in the donor plasma. These proteins are removed by the process of washing the red blood cells.

There are multiple methods of washing red cells. These can include automated or manual methods. They can use centrifugation or centrifugation-free methods. The red cells can be re-suspended in saline or other types of special preservative solutions for red cells e.g. SAG-M.
Washed Red Cells Indications (Uses):

  1. Prevention of recurrence of severe allergic reactions.
  2. Reduction in transfusion-related complications.
  3. Haemagglutination tests.

Preparation of Washed Red Blood Cells Principle

A red cell suspension is a common reagent used for many serologic procedures. Red cell suspensions provide the appropriate serum to cell ratio to allow for grading and interpretation of tests results.

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