Why Online Physics Simulator Important for Universities

Last Updated on March 20, 2025 by Nourhan Essam

Let’s explore why online physics simulator important for universities, delve into the best online physics simulators for students and educators, and more!

What is online physics simulator?

An online physics simulator is a digital tool that enables students and users to simulate the physics experiments. They can understand various concepts and conduct  experiments in physics in an immersive virtual environment.

Online physics simulators apply physics concepts and principles alongside mathematical models to create interactive virtual experiences in physics which allow students to gain a deeper understanding and  visualize the different physical phenomena without the need to use the real physics laboratories.

Benefits of Using Online Physics Simulator in Universities

Benefits of Using Online Physics Simulator in Universities


Real physical laboratories require significant costs for equipment, maintenance, and infrastructure. By adopting an online physics simulator, universities and educational institutions can significantly reduce overhead costs while still providing a high-quality educational experience. Virtual physics l labs reduce expenses related to physical materials and allow institutions to allocate resources more effectively.

Another key benefit of using an online physics simulator is the immersive and interactive learning which enhances student engagement.  The 3D virtual lab equips students with the tools that   improve focus, attention, and engagement. As a result, students remain interested and actively absorb information more easily, leading to improved learning outcomes.

Best Online Physics Simulators for Students and Educators

PraxiLabs is considered one of the best online physics simulators for students and educators.  As a pioneering e-learning company shaping the future of education.  PraxiLabs was created to provide educational institutions around the world with a cost-effective, innovative and immersive online physics simulator tailored to their physics lab needs.

Additionally, PraxiLabs has been recognized for its realistice 3D physics simulation online virtual lab experiences. Dr. William H. Miner, Jr., Professor of Physics at Palm Beach State College, noted that among various virtual reality software options for physics labs, PraxiLabs offers a realistic experience that makes students feel like they are in a real lab.

PraxiLabs not only provides more than 200 immersive virtual lab experiences, but it also addresses pivotal challenges faced by students in science education and enriches learning with enriched content that deepens students’ understanding and knowledge.

 Pick the best plan for you now!

Success Factors of Praxilabs as online physics simulator

PraxiLabs has gained recognition as a leading online Physics Virtual Lab due to several success factors that make it an effective and valuable tool for both students and educational institutions.

At PraxiLabs, we leverage our competitors’ efforts in making educational institutions aware of virtual labs by providing the same level of services at lower pricing with a bigger portfolio, while staying ahead through our value proposition, market advantages, and enhanced product offerings. Let’s discover the key success factors contributing to its impact:

Cost Effective & Affordable

Online physics simulator from PraxiLabs eliminates much of the cost associated with maintaining  traditional physics laboratories, from resources and supplies to general maintenance and equipment. A virtual physics lab gives each student access to an interactive science experience at a significantly lower cost.

Better UX

Fewer limitations and less redundancy by collecting safety guides in a lab safety science simulation. During experiments only the first occurrences of important actions such as. Closing a bottle or removing a tip are performed manually.Afterward, these actions are not restricted; instead, a pop-up will indicate that it needs to happen if a student acts otherwise, aligning with Pop-Ups and Productive Failure.

Adaptive to Learning Styles

PraxiLabs combines its virtual lab simulations with additional multimedia and text resources to provide each student with material that fits their learning style.

LMS Integration

You can quickly access your physics virtual lab right from your LMS through a seamless integration between PraxiLabs and your preferred LMS within a day hassle-free.

Examples of online physics simulations in Praxilabs

PraxiLabs provides a diverse catalog of high-demand physics simulation 3D experimets that help students to gain valuable experience in a controlled laboratory environment without any hazards. Our simulations are designed to be engaging, interactive, and enjoyable,, and they come with exciting features to facilitate learning.

Examples of online physics simulations in Praxilabs


Let’s navigate some of PraxiLabs physics Experiments simulation List:

Heat and Thermodynamics Virtual Labs

Specific Heat of Solids Byole’s Law of Gases

Joule’s Experiment


Measurement of Ohmic Resistances Using Ammeter and Voltmeter

Study the I-V Characteristics of Non-Ohmic Resistance

Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule

RC Circuit (Charging Capacitor)

RC Circuit (Discharging Capacitor)

Variation of the Resistance of a Thermistor with Temperature Experiment

Electrostatic Demonstration (New)

Faraday’s Law (New)

Magnetism Virtual Labs

Magnetic Moment of a Bar Magnet

Magnetic Field of a Circular Loop Current

Determination of unknown capacitance and inductance using phasor diagrams and A

circuits (Coming Soon)

Modern Physics Virtual Labs

Black Body Radiation

Optics Lab

Laser Beam Divergence

Laser Electro-Optic Effect

Millikan Oil Drop

Michelson Interferometer

I-V Characteristics of Solar Cell (1)

 I-V Characteristics of Solar Cell (II)

I-V Characteristics of Solar Cell (III)

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Band Gap Energy of Semiconductors.

Properties of Matter Virtual Labs

Determination of the Coefficient of Viscosity by Using Stokes Method

Young’s Modulus for a Metallic Rod

Archimedes Principle

Density Measurement

Waves Virtual Labs

Focal Length of a Convex Lens Using General Law Simple Pendulum

Hooke’s Law.

Speed of Sound Using Closed Columns

Speed of Sound Using Open Columns

Mechanics Virtual Labs

PraxiLabs Mechanics Virtual Labs
Free Fall (Enhanced)

Motion on Inclined Surface

Ballistic Pendulum

Newton’s Second Law

Lami’s Rule

Static Friction Coefficient

Request a Demo Now and enhance your Students’ Learning Retention and Engagement!


Is there a physics simulator?

Yes, there are several physics simulators designed for various purposes. For example, PraxiLabs, a leading e-learning company provides interactive 3D physics virtual lab simulations that are safe, affordable and accessible anytime/anywhere for educational institutions and students.

What is an example of simulation in physics?

Free Fall Virtual Lab Simulation

In this simulation, students will learn how to observe the uniform acceleration of a freely falling object due to gravity.

By the end of the experiment, students will be able to measure and determine the displacement of a freely falling object, determine the instantaneous velocity of the falling object, calculate the uniform acceleration of a falling object due to gravity (g), test the hypothesis that the acceleration of a freely falling object is uniform.

Join PraxiLabs now to start your free fall experiment for FREE!

About Nourhan Essam

Nourhan Essam is a Senior Content Writer at PraxiLabs, with a deep passion for crafting impactful scientific content. With over 6 years of experience, she has developed robust expertise in e-learning, education, science, and digital marketing. Nourhan leverages her comprehensive understanding to produce high-quality, compelling, and informative pieces in both Arabic and English. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of scientific content, she ensures that each piece is engaging, educational, and aligned with the needs of her audience.