Search Results for: lab experience

Learn All About The Strong Acids and Bases

Learn All About The Strong Acids and Bases

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Sara Assem Acids and Bases play a vital role in our life and all of the environment around us. When you brush your teeth with toothpaste or wash your hands with soap or take your coffee, you’ve already experienced acids and bases. In chemistry, substances are classified as acids or bases or neutral, …

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Recrystallization | Definition, Principle, Purpose, Steps, Applications and More

Recrystallization | Definition, Principle, Purpose, Steps, Applications and More

Last Updated on May 14, 2023 by Sara Assem What is Recrystallization? The recrystallization definition is a process used for purifying compounds that contain impurities and these compounds are: – Dissolved at solvents. – Solids at room temperature. – Obtained from chemical reactions or natural sources.   On the other hand, the impurities include mixtures of soluble, insoluble, and colored substances. …

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Free-Body Diagrams– How to Exclusively Chart the Path of an Object’s motion

Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Sara Assem Have you ever wondered how physicists create free-body diagrams? What about economists or biologists? All of these professionals use specific symbols to chart the motion of an object. The importance and virality of free-body diagrams (FBD) in physics are beyond description. Free-body diagrams emerged since Newton’s laws of motion stretched out …

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Genetic Engineering in Humans: Between the Pros and Cons of that Magical Technique!

Genetic Engineering in Human

Last Updated on April 11, 2023 by Sara Assem Try to mention the expression of genetic engineering in humans among a bunch of people, or a community gathering. Now try to escape the endless amount of questions, hurdles, and debates that will arise. technical  Since their first days, genetic engineering, gene modification, and traits selection have always been controversial and …

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